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We want to hear your story. Have you or a loved been affected by an impaired driving crash? Email us at projects@iam1N3.org with your story, pictures, media, and anything pertaining to the impaired crash so that we can add your story to our site.
I became 1N3 when I was 15, the day my friend left. She was going to her friends house and a drunk driver ran the stop sign. He just clipped the tail end of her car, but car rolled into the ditch. Her seat belt malfunctioned and she was thrown from the car. She got pined under the car, by the time rescuers got to her she was dead.I don't care about the contest, I just want people to make better decisions. It's not the alcohol that kills people, it's the stupid choices people make while drinking. If your gonna go to the bar or a party and you plan on drinking, have a DD or call a cab. If you drink and drive, you should know that your ignorance may just kill somebody.